Endurunnið gler. Urban Nature Culture framleiðir glervörur úr tveimur tonnum af endurunnu gleri á dag. Það sem áður var vínflaska eða ólífukrukka finnur nýjan tilgang í hönnun Urban Nature Culture.
Watch that flame reflect upon Urban Nature Culture’s Sopra candle holder and you know that candles bring a sense of poetry to a home. With simply beauty, elegance and an intuitive design, this candle holder was made using recycled glass – as thousands of miniature pieces of glass were melted back together and given a new life and purpose. To warm up your home. Sopra is available in beautiful olive green, cameo or frosted peach whip.
Vörunúmer: urb-106759
Mælum einnig með
Skurðarbretti 29x35sm, eik
Nattlight kertastjaki M h36,5sm, messing
Nupo diskamotta 37x44sm, sand
Liljan kertastjaki, messing