Endurunnið gler. Urban Nature Culture framleiðir glervörur úr tveimur tonnum af endurunnu gleri á dag. Það sem áður var vínflaska eða ólífukrukka finnur nýjan tilgang í hönnun Urban Nature Culture.
Some say autumn’s the kick-off to the darkest season, but is it really? The trees prepare for the season of revival, by showing its most beautiful and bright colours – adding vibrance to every bit of nature – reflecting in misty morning sunshine and moody puddles on rainy afternoons. That colour, vivacity and brightness lights up our spirits, all the way onto spring. The same goes for Urban Nature Culture’s recycled glass vase Elia. A stunning, urban design, available in an intense green (rain forest) or outspoken orange (tomato cream), makes a grand accent long after the leaves have fallen.
Vörunúmer: urb-107303
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Dot diskur Ø25sm, white/dot
Kerti 42sm, off-white