Endurunnið gler. Urban Nature Culture framleiðir glervörur úr tveimur tonnum af endurunnu gleri á dag. Það sem áður var vínflaska eða ólífukrukka finnur nýjan tilgang í hönnun Urban Nature Culture.
“The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” Harriet Ann Jacobs | Head out to your local market, create a color palette of small, fragrant flowers and display them in Urban Nature Culture’s recycled glass vase. Available in colors golden oak or french vanilla, this round beauty embraces your flowers and makes them stand out – a display of nature in your urban home."
Vörunúmer: urb-105910
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Stoff vasi Ø3sm h10sm, black
Kerti 42sm, off-white