With its minimal shape, exquisite materials and sophisticated finishes, Liam adopts an architectural approach to design, expressed in its rational forms.
The family of Liam coffee tables is characterised by the airy 1 cm square steel structure, which designs a lightweight volume, defined by a glossy Pewter colour finish. It hosts a top in Calacatta marble, Grigio Orobico marble, Black pâte de verre glass or brushed oak with Moka colour laquer finish. In some elements, it also accommodates a lower, wooden surface for holding books, magazines and objects, also in brushed oak with Moka colour laquer finish.
Liam comes in a range of different sizes, with a square or rectangular shape, which can be used together to design original configurations, also matching them with tops of different materials.
LIAM-Stærðir og upplýsingar
Vörunúmer: min-liamsp
Rodolfo Dordoni
Arkitektinn Rodolfo Dordoni fæddist í Milano þar sem hann lauk námi í arkitektúr 1979 frá hinum virta skóla Milan Polytechnic. Hann hefur mikla reynslu í bæði vöruhönnun, listrænni stjórnun fyrir mörg af leiðandi Ítölsk hönnunarframleiðendur þar má nefna Minotti, Arper, Capellini og Artemide.
Mælum einnig með
Colette low hægindastóll
frá 1.219.900kr.
Jensen hægindastóll
frá 1.154.900kr.
Fred borð
frá 115.900kr.
Edward sófi
frá 629.900kr.