A fluid line engendered by a soft, continuous stroke - inspiration for the design of the Glover armchair was spawned by the idea of creating an armchair that is as elegant as comfortable. The sides feature an unusual juncture between the enveloping seat back and the armrest, emphasized by elegant studs in pewter-color painted metal. The unexpected opening in the seat back lets the seat cushion show through, lending a visual sense of lightness to the armchair.
The choice of a single upholstery material – leather or fabric – creates a harmonious monochrome effect, while the detailed workmanship draws the eye to the flawless stitching. The design of the legs also served to inspire the Kirk occasional tables, making them the perfect companion to the Glover armchair, especially since they come in many different sizes and finishes.
Vörunúmer: min-gloversp
Rodolfo Dordoni
Arkitektinn Rodolfo Dordoni fæddist í Milano þar sem hann lauk námi í arkitektúr 1979 frá hinum virta skóla Milan Polytechnic. Hann hefur mikla reynslu í bæði vöruhönnun, listrænni stjórnun fyrir mörg af leiðandi Ítölsk hönnunarframleiðendur þar má nefna Minotti, Arper, Capellini og Artemide.
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