Aston sofa by Minotti belongs to a collection which includes the armchair and the chair of the same name. It comes with an elegant and sophisticated design thanks to which it can easily enhance any kind of setting. The sofa stands out for its wrapping backrest which gives it a cozy look. Aston is an irreplaceable piece of furniture which catches the eye thanks to its light and refined lines.
Vörunúmer: min-aston167sp
Rodolfo Dordoni
Arkitektinn Rodolfo Dordoni fæddist í Milano þar sem hann lauk námi í arkitektúr 1979 frá hinum virta skóla Milan Polytechnic. Hann hefur mikla reynslu í bæði vöruhönnun, listrænni stjórnun fyrir mörg af leiðandi Ítölsk hönnunarframleiðendur þar má nefna Minotti, Arper, Capellini og Artemide.
Mælum einnig með
Budapest Soft sófi
frá 1.699.920kr.
Stretch stóll
frá 147.920kr.
Aston stóll
frá 270.320kr.
Saks stóll
frá 79.120kr.