By way of a becoming contrast to the sofa’s sharp lines, BLADE features a number of soft cushions, giving the sofa a laid-back attitude. At the same time, the cushions optimize the options for creating your own personal nest – regardless of whether you prefer to sit or lie down.
The loose cushions also give you the freedom to mix colours and textures to give the sofa a highly personalized look.
Blade – Upplýsingar:Stærðir.pdf
Vörunúmer: wen-bladesp
365° North
Henrik Pedersen graduated as a fashion designer in 1990, but uses his education for many different types of design. His interest in mathematics and his extensive experience give him an intuitive ability to quickly figure out whether a new design will work or not. 'Experience and knowledge help, but the difference lies in how you use it. You can get far with common sense and a passion for the craft. '
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