Reveal ljós

Ø35sm - LED 10w dimmable
Ø45sm - LED 10w dimmable
Afhendingartími: 8-12 vikur

Vantar þig aðstoð eða ráðleggingar?

Reveal’s smooth curves and unembellished surfaces are hallmarks of Scandinavian design, and they connect to glassblowing traditions around the world. We’ve enlisted master craftsmen to transform molten glass into perfect, hollow spheres, making each one of the Reveal shades unique. The designer fused contemporary style and traditional craftsmanship, while also finding expression for elegance and simplicity. The Reveal light was pared down to the essentials to create a new relationship between structure, shade and light source. The shade is held in place by the LED light tube inside it, which is poised in a vertical position to hold it securely overhead. Reveal’s subtle tones reflect the pale colours of the Nordic dawn and the shimmering light found at the Norwegian coast.
Vörunúmer: nl-revealsp
Mælum einnig með
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frá 54.320kr.
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