Endurunnið gler. Urban Nature Culture framleiðir glervörur úr tveimur tonnum af endurunnu gleri á dag. Það sem áður var vínflaska eða ólífukrukka finnur nýjan tilgang í hönnun Urban Nature Culture.
Waste revival takes shape in Urban Nature Culture’s latest collection – it’s all about the details in recycled glass candle holder Camo. The Amsterdam brand put an organic touch to the geometric shape and hammered glass of this pillar candle holder – which was handmade in India. Available in capulet olive or wood trush, two shades that add warmth to your urban home.
Vörunúmer: urb-107330
Mælum einnig með
Manhattan teppi 130x200sm, natural
Liljan kertastjaki, messing
Kerti 42sm, off-white