Endurunnið gler. Urban Nature Culture framleiðir glervörur úr tveimur tonnum af endurunnu gleri á dag. Það sem áður var vínflaska eða ólífukrukka finnur nýjan tilgang í hönnun Urban Nature Culture.
“Inspiration is needed in geometry, just as much as in poetry.” Alexander Pushkin | Like nature, design can’t always be tamed. Defying the strict rules of geometry, Urban Nature Culture’s tealight holder Isla may carry some classic shapes, but its slightly round edges and hammered skin will tell you otherwise. Isla is made from recycled glass and available in transparent, quartz pink or laurel.
Vörunúmer: urb-107514
Mælum einnig með
Nattlight kertastjaki M h36,5sm, messing
Kerti 42sm, terracotta
Curve skál 11x10sm, 2 stk, black