Designed like a jewel that links stone and brass with an artistic flourish, Brink pairs a refined aesthetic and a design featuring dynamic geometries.
The irregularly shaped top is the interesting combination of two pieces of granite with an interlocking cut, like pieces of a tangram: a slab of Nero Assoluto granite is juxtaposed with a sheet of grey Vermont granite. The textured surface is enriched by the addition of a brass insert with satin finish near the join.
The coffee tables, measuring 95x68 and 160x89 cm, each available in two heights, rest on four brass legs with satin finish. The smallest side table (46x44,5 cm) has a central leg base in the same finish and a floor stand that reiterates the shape of the stone top.
Vörunúmer: min-brinksp
Rodolfo Dordoni
Arkitektinn Rodolfo Dordoni fæddist í Milano þar sem hann lauk námi í arkitektúr 1979 frá hinum virta skóla Milan Polytechnic. Hann hefur mikla reynslu í bæði vöruhönnun, listrænni stjórnun fyrir mörg af leiðandi Ítölsk hönnunarframleiðendur þar má nefna Minotti, Arper, Capellini og Artemide.
Mælum einnig með
Aston stóll
frá 337.900kr.
Stretch stóll
frá 184.900kr.
Fred sófaborð
frá 85.900kr.
Saks stóll
frá 98.900kr.