Design fairs are usually conversation starters. It was in London a few years ago... Frédéric Winkler from DCWéditions met French-Lebanese designer Charles Kalpakian. Their respective booths stood face-to-face. But this wasn't a standoff. On the contrary, they were both engaged by camaraderie and elective affinities, including a desire to work together, and above all, to get to know each other. Childhood, education, games and dreams... For Charles Kalpakian, it was Lebanon and that paradoxical freedom, right out of school, to run and play in a city that was in pieces. It is these memories that he has metabolized into the SOUL collection.
Vörunúmer: dcw-soustsp
Charles Kalpakian
Mælum einnig með
Kuulto 9100 vegg- og loftljós
frá 219.900kr.
Projecteur gólflampi
frá 284.900kr.
Owalo 7000 ljós
frá 284.900kr.
LG304L40 vegglampi
frá 77.900kr.