Floats above the floor on a slender pressure-cast metal base and elegant feet in Pewter-colored finish, an exclusive Minotti Studio shade. Thanks to the slight inclination of the seat and the inviting softness of its cushions, Andersen provides the utmost in comfort. These qualities of restrained elegance make Andersen the ideal marriage of design and classic perfection, ready to infuse a room with modern, minimal-chic sophistication.
To foster good posture during reading and relaxing, the Andersen elements can be outfitted with a practical headrest.
Andersen – Stærðir og upplýsingar.pdf
Vörunúmer: min-and178sp
Rodolfo Dordoni
Arkitektinn Rodolfo Dordoni fæddist í Milano þar sem hann lauk námi í arkitektúr 1979 frá hinum virta skóla Milan Polytechnic. Hann hefur mikla reynslu í bæði vöruhönnun, listrænni stjórnun fyrir mörg af leiðandi Ítölsk hönnunarframleiðendur þar má nefna Minotti, Arper, Capellini og Artemide.
Mælum einnig með
Colette low hægindastóll
frá 1.219.900kr.
Calder Bronze gangaborð
frá 634.900kr.
Cara sófi
frá 779.900kr.
Budapest Soft sófi
frá 2.124.900kr.