Feel Good barstóll

Hannað af Antonio Citterio

fyrir Flexform
sethæð 65sm / stálfætur / Super áklæði
Extra áklæði
Pelle 2 leður
De Luxe leður
Afhendingartími: 8-12 vikur

Vantar þig aðstoð eða ráðleggingar?

A large, versatile collection of products, FEEL GOOD is a sofa, an armchair, a dining chair, a simple chair, a stool and a bed. The particular die-cast aluminium leg and the slender perimeter band in leather, fabric or suede running along the base set the product apart. FEEL GOOD conveys a sense of floating lightness, suggesting timeless classicism in a contemporary form.
Vörunúmer: flx-feelgdbarsp

Antonio Citterio

Antonio Citterio.jpgAntonio Citterio was born in Meda in 1950, and started his design office in 1972. He got a degree in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic in 1975. Between 1987 and 1996, he worked with Terry Dwan and together they designed buildings in Europe and Japan. In 1999, he founded “Antonio Citterio and Partners” with Patricia Viel. The firm operates internationally, developing complex long-term projects on all scales and in synergy with a qualified network of consultants. In 1987 and in 1994, Antonio Citterio received the Compasso d’Oro-ADI award. Since 2006 he has been teaching architectural design at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, Switzerland. In 2008, he was honored by the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce of London, which gave him the title of “Royal Designer for Industry.” In September 2009, the architectural firm changed its name to “Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners.”

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